Tour Italy and Greece in February 2018

Sat, 04/01/2017 - 7:45am

    Boothbay Region High School teachers Manon Lewis and Mary Miller are traveling to Italy and Greece with high school students in February 2018. Adults are welcome to join the trip.

    The trip will include the exciting destinations of Rome, Florence and Pompeii in Italy, as well as Delphi and Athens in Greece. Imagine standing in the footsteps of Michelangelo as you gaze upon his masterpiece in the Sistine Chapel, or walking on the ancient sidewalk of the long ago civilization of Pompeii, then imagine standing on the hill of the Acropolis as your view the city of Athens … sound to good to be true? It could be you.

    The 10-day tour is planned for Feb. 15-24, 2018. Payment plans are available.

    For more information about the trip and cost, email Manon or Mary: or