9 Edgecomb Eddy students graduate from 6th grade

Tue, 06/27/2023 - 2:30pm

John Cooper is the latest name added to an exclusive list of the Sara Leone Leadership Award recipients presented annually to an Edgecomb Eddy School graduating sixth grader. Sara Leone attended Edgecomb Eddy until she completed sixth grade in 2002. The award was created in her memory and presented to the student who exhibits outstanding citizenship qualities. Cooper’s name will be added to a commemorative plaque that hangs inside the school. 

Teacher Jennifer Gosselin presented the award to Cooper. She also was Leone’s kindergarten teacher. “John is a mentor and leader to other students. He is responsible and respectful. John, you are an example of what it means to be an outstanding citizen,” she said. 

Cooper was one of nine Edgecomb Eddy graduating sixth graders on June 22. Principal Tom Landberg opened the ceremony by praising the Class of 2023 for its leadership, and he said he was grateful for the class members’ participation in another strong academic year. “Our sixth-grade group has taken on an incredible leadership role in an out of the classroom. As guided by Ms. Brown, students have impacted our learning environment,” he said.

Cooper was joined by his sixth-grade classmates in receiving a diploma: Jeffrey Buck, Stella Chapman, Carson MacKusick, Gabryella Main, Margaret McCarthy, Jillian Murray, Katy Pray and Olive Tomko. The following graduates also received achievement awards: Stella Chapman, academics award; Olive Tomko, academics and art awards, and Carson MacKusick, music award.

Each year, the staff describes each graduate in a one-word character trait: Buck, ambition; Chapman, dependability; Cooper, generosity; Main, friend-to-all; McCarthy, observance; Murray, creativity; Pray, compassion; MacKusick, determination; and Tomko, optimism. Another tradition is each class presents graduates with a gift. Pre-kindergarten melted down their used crayons to create colorful stars and wrote a poem. “These crayons are to remind you that no matter where you are you are a bold, bright and dazzling Edgecomb Eddy star. We hope the paths you choose are colored by curiosity and remind you, you are a shooting star,” said Pre-kindergarten teacher Sally Monroe. 

Kindergarten presented the ABC’s of Life, including A: Always do the good stuff . G: Get whatever you can done. K: Keep a puppy nearby. S: See amazing things all around you. First grade made owl pillows. Second grade made pouches which is a tradition dating back 27 years. Third grade presented sunglasses because the graduates’ future “are so bright, they ‘gotta’ where shades.” Fourth grade gave confetti poppers which included inspirational messages. Fifth graders made mortarboards, a traditional cap for graduation ceremonies. 

Graduates honored former teacher Debbie Beam who died in 2020. Beam dedicated a song to graduates each spring during the graduation ceremony: “Bless the Beasts and the Children.” The graduates sang the song in tribute to her. 

Graduates also honored four teachers who will not return to Edgecomb Eddy next fall. Nancy Rose is retiring after 40 years in education. Physical education teacher Caroline Ivens, first grade teacher Cindy Casey and guidance counselor Haley Bezon are also departing. 

Murray wrote a poem to remember her time at Edgecomb Eddy. “I have learned a lot in the past year, my entire time is filled with cheer,” she said.