American Legion Post 36

Mon, 11/29/2021 - 8:00am

This Friday, Dec. 3 at 4:45 p.m. at BLDG 207 on the Togus campus (the first wing as you are coming in from Hallowell Road) we will light the Christmas lights for the residents of the long-term care (hospice, nursing and dementia units). Due to COVID restrictions we will remain outside but will still sing Christmas carols and provide some holiday spirit. So, if you want to really feel special, join us and make a big difference to veterans, many of whom this will be their last Christmas. This is a rain, snow or moonlight event.

During the Boothbay Winter Festival, the VETS will be there on the Common with their trailer and will be selling Christmas trees and the Auxiliary will be there to support VETS, along with an affiliate selling truly awesome, decorative wreaths. So, support the Sons of the Legion, the Auxiliary, and VETS by stopping by and buying what you just must have to complete your holiday decorations.

Monday, Dec. 6 at 6 p.m. is the monthly Maine Veterans Coordinating Committee Zoom meeting at the Hall. As a reminder, the director of the VA Togus Hospital and the director of the VA Benefits Regional Office (Maine) will be available to ask questions relative to VA benefits and VA healthcare. Our congressional delegation has representatives attending as well. If you want to Zoom from home, email and I'll send you the link.

On Dec. 8 at 10 a.m., Mike Labbe from the VA's MyHealthyVet office will be at the Hall to help veterans in the VA system get enrolled with MyHealthyVet. MyHealthyVet is a way you can communicate with the VA via your computer, tablet or other device you have that can go on line. I use it frequently when I have a question I want to ask my doctor and get an answer within 24 hours. I can see when my appointments are, change them if needed. I can see my doctors' notes from exams, order prescriptions, see my vaccination records and much more. There are two levels to the system, the first level is limited but easy to set up. The premier level is what everyone should have but can be tedious to set up. So, on Dec. 8 at the Hall, I will give a demonstration, and Mike will help you get set up.

The next Pre-Holiday dinner is Dec. 11 from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. While reservations are helpful (call the Hall 633-4487), reservations are not required. Take outs available. These events are fundraisers to support the American Legion Auxiliary, the VETS (Veterans Emergency Temporary Shelters), and the Post.

Next meeting is Dec. 13. Dinner at 5:30; meeting at 6. If anyone wants to support the USMC Toys for Tots program, we will collect new, unwrapped toys at the meeting and deliver to the Lincoln County coordinator for distribution of the toys as Christmas gifts to children of families in all Lincoln County towns.