Boothbay Harbor presents 2021, 2022 Spirit of America awards

Sun, 09/11/2022 - 5:30pm

Boothbay Harbor selectmen and Town Manager Julia Latter presented the 2021 and 2022 Spirit of America awards Sept. 8 at Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club. Board Chair Mike Tomko gave introductions and Latter gave two short speeches and handed out the 2021 award to George and Nancy McEvoy and the 2022 award to Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club.

The Spirit of America awards were established by the Spirit of America Foundation to honor community members throughout Maine for their volunteerism and community service, Tomko said. “We are fortunate in the community to have an amazing number of volunteers which makes this such a great place to live and work.”

The McEvoys are “historians, benefactors and heros with huge hearts” and are the most humble and deserving of the recognition, said Latter. “There is probably no other couple in town that has contributed as much to the community as they have. Their leadership, ethical values and tremendous results for well over 50 years deserve special recognition and thanks.”

Latter listed some of their achievements and engagements in the communities: Countless donations to local nonprofits including Boothbay Railway Village and Ram Island Light Station; the “driving force” behind the footbridge project; and contributions in time and money for Boothbay Harbor East Side Waterfront Park.

“It is clear that the common theme between these locations is that they benefit the public now and will for many future years to come,” Latter said. “The board of selectmen on behalf of the town of Boothbay Harbor is pleased to recognize you with the 2021 Spirit of America Award.”

Rotarians Irene Fowle, Laurie Zimmerli and Deb Graves represented their organization which the town credited for keeping spirits up for the community during the height of the pandemic. The Rotary opened its barn space to people storing items for the annual auction, and Rotarians made the rounds to collect the donations. Due to the club’s optimism, many buyers donated more money than items were listed for and the club raised significantly more funds than ever.

“Not a penny from donations went into Rotary, rather every penny received was placed in the non-profit Boothbay Harbor Rotary Foundation and then donated to those in need outside Rotary, and mostly to local charities,” Latter said. “Under the leadership of Irene Fowle, Laurie Zimmerli and Deb Graves, the goal shifted from raising dollars to creating fun, a safe place, and camaraderie for their community members, many friends of Rotary, and Rotarians.”