Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club

Mon, 03/08/2021 - 8:15am

Daylight savings time starts next week, then the first day of spring is the following week. Even with the pandemic, the earth is still turning. Good news!

So much good Rotary news, too. To start off the good news, don’t miss this week’s virtual meeting. It will brighten your day, amaze you and make you so proud to be a Rotarian. Here’s the synopsis:
The trustees of the Rotary Foundation recently made a (dare I say it?) historical decision that is directly related to the activities of several of our own Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club members. We're famous! And more than that, the Rotary world is watching us! Join us for our “regular” club meeting on Thursday, March 11 at 6 p.m. which will be anything but “regular.” Some very special Rotary guests will join us to share the decision and its importance and congratulate our members. Guests will include Director Valarie Wafer (our voice on the Rotary International Board of Directors); Rotary Foundation Trustee and past Trustee Chair Brenda Cressey (the first woman to ever hold that position); and Past Rotary International Vice President/past Rotary International Trustee Vice Chair and current PolioPlus chair Michael McGovern (a long time friend of our club).

The other good news is that our email platform is set to transition to ClubRunner from Club Wizard. Hopefully you got the written log in instructions. There was one tiny error, oops, the website address is not the written

Obviously written by a human person. The ClubRunner site is not yet activated, probably another week or so. But, when it is, take come time and have fun looking at it. Please, please edit your profile. There are several folks I know who don’t live anywhere near the address they have on their profile. Or still have a landline as their primary phone and gave it up last century.

Many, many thanks to Vic Taylor, Jim Herbold, Brian McGrath and the IT Committee for all their time, patience and effort. I know the Rotary Foundation is thanking us too. We will be sending out the Star and Meeting announcements using ClubRunner from now on, so if you don’t get them first check your spam and tell your spam ClubRunner is safe and should go to your inbox. But, if it’s not even there contact Vic Taylor or Jim Herbold; ah, that human thing.

The Maine to Spain Rotary Exchange committee is meeting via “Zoom” on Sunday, March 14 at 1 p.m. John Hochstein is the chairperson here in Maine and our own Marcus Packard in Reus, Spain. The Maine contingent is hoping to visit Spain in the fall if it’s safe to travel. But, the planning has begun. If you’d like to join the meeting contact John Hochstein.

Despite not being able to meet in our clubhouse Mike Thompson, Doug Harley, John Welch and others are checking on it and keeping it ready for our return. Judi White is packaging soup every other week there. Last week was chicken, orzo, curry soup, yummy. Let her know if you can help her with this project. Amy Ronan makes the soup then Judi and one other person package and label it before delivery to the Food Pantry. So far, over 600 pints of soup have gone to local families this winter.

We received thank you letters this month for donations to the Boothbay Sea and Science Center, Shelter Box, The Community Center and the Barter Family.

Because of everyone’s hard work at the Rotary Barn this summer we are still able to positively impact the people and organizations that request our assistance. We are “People of Action” even in this pandemic. Thank you all for making the Rotary Barn a success. Here’s to summer, it will be here before we know it.