Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club

Mon, 12/13/2021 - 8:45am

Rotary’s annual Christmas party and Yankee Swap took place last week with a full house and lots of holiday cheer. The festivities started with Monica and Tom Churchill leading us in a rousing rendition of “We Wish You a Merry Christmas,” continued with our annual thanks to Amy, and then president Jeff turned the MC duties over to Laurie Zimmerli. She was aided (if you can call it that) by an extremely buxom Mrs. Claus. Irene Fowle was also critical to the night’s planning and preparation. Door prizes were given for:

  • Best Christmas outfit: Alice Mutch
  • The baby in the group: Bruce Harris
  • The oldest in the group: Tom Hagan
  • The birthday boy: Doug Harley
  • And a special presidential prize: Jeff Long

What happened during the Swap had best stay with the Swap, but it should be noted that by far the most popular gifts were adult beverages or chocolate – sometimes adult beverages and chocolate. There were also at least three blankets in the mix, and one gift certificate to the Rotary barn. Now, that was clever thinking! (And this reporter happens to know that it was redeemed on Saturday.) By far the gift that received the most “steals” was a large-sized bottle of Bailey’s. Readers, take note for next year.

This will be the last time we will meet at the clubhouse this calendar year, but not our last meeting of the year. This coming Thursday, Dec. 16, we will meet by Zoom only to learn more about the current state of adoptions in Maine. After that, a hiatus until the first Thursday in January.

As always, guests who are interested in joining us in fellowship and giving back around the community are always welcome to join us. Reach out to a local Rotarian or check out our website: You’ll be glad you did!