Chapman-Hall House celebrates Bicentennial Week

Tue, 08/10/2021 - 7:45am

    Visitors to Lincoln County Historical Association’s Chapman-Hall House historic site at the head of Main Street in Damariscotta will have an opportunity to “dress the part” during Maine’s Bicentennial Week. From Wednesday, Aug. 18 through Saturday, Aug. 21, visitors are invited to pose behind a cutout of a lady and gentleman dressed in the costumes they might have worn at the time of Statehood.Space has been left open to fill in the faces of the images with one’s own.

    This is a great opportunity to dress in style (1820 style) for a photograph. Everyone is sure to enjoy some laughs while documenting their 1820 alter-images. Mr. and Mrs. Chapman cannot assist with the picture-taking, however, as cameras had not yet been invented. You’ll have to bring your own photography device. The display will be available from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., weather permitting.

    Lincoln County Historical Association is a non-profit organization that provides stewardship for the 1754 Chapman-Hall House in Damariscotta, the 1761 Pownalborough Court House in Dresden, and the 1811 Old Jail and Museum in Wiscasset. For more information, please visit or Facebook at Lincoln County Historical Association (Maine).