‘Round Town

Colorful fall

Wed, 10/15/2014 - 9:30am

One of the nice things about the Rite Aid parking lot this time of year is the view. There are some very colorful trees on the front lawn of the high school, and generally less traffic to obstruct. It's easy to see why Rite Aid chose their location.

But, be careful, traffic varies. School dismissal traffic can be challenging. Sometimes it’s smarter to stay parked and enjoy the view or return to the pharmacy for more of what you came for. Alternatively, avoiding the area during school traffic is easier.

It’s good to avoid things that add turmoil to our lives. Viewing colorful trees from Rite Aid is special. Relaxing.

In the vernacular of modern day business speak, this could be a “win-win” situation. Enjoy the view and avoid roadway congestion.

I wish the high school's colorful trees could last longer. In fact, I wish this time of year could last longer. Longer fall, shorter winter — denying the inevitability of seasonal change appeals to me. And it’s less controversial than climate change.

I'm proposing a new concept for our active lives: Seasonal Procrastination. Making more time in life for stuff that doesn't matter.

Coincidentally, this view of the high school makes me think of Frau Baade, who taught German there for many years. Frau would probably not approve of my procrastination proposal.