’Round Town


Wed, 10/25/2023 - 7:45am

    Halloween for our family has always been a major event, perhaps even more so than obvious other holidays which remain more festive and universal.

    When we lived in Boothbay Harbor, on Sherman Street, Halloween became a significant and well planned extravaganza with all sorts of flashing lights, recorded spooky tunes, costumes, creative carvings and even impressive tombstones manufactured by our talented friend and artist Kevin Kiley. It was a huge neighborhood celebration.

    Uncle Harry and Aunt Alice Gray lived across the street then and even they, unaccustomed to such frivolity, joined in the fun with candid observation. I’m not sure they ever anticipated such carryings-on so close by. I suspect Mrs. Coady, from whom we bought the house, never in a million years would have considered her wonderful home to be the center for such chaos. I know Nettie Mitchell (no relation) who lived next door down the hill with her collection of cats, never saw anything like it, and maybe never hoped to!

    We had a blast with lots of visitors from near and far. Even Marylouise Cowan showed up in an impressive outfit, broom in hand! No one enjoyed a creative party more than Mrs. Cowan, even if there were no firecrackers!

    Now, as we have lived on Southport for 20 some years, Halloween is being revived as a community event with careful planning and enthusiastic support. For the third year, the town of Southport will create its own version of Halloween for all to enjoy. The community kick off party on Oct. 31 (Tuesday) will be held at Robinson’s Wharf which generously donates use of their space offering mac & cheese and hot dogs for the children and staff. The restaurant is decorated, there are games with prizes and the Southport Island Association provides food for all (the last two years, there was a chili cook-off).  This year, options are being considered with the possibility of soups, salads and snacks. Also, the bar is available for adults as they circumnavigate the festivities!

    Costumes are encouraged but not necessary. Everyone, regardless of age (Southporters or not) is welcome. The doors open at 4 p.m. Additionally, when kiddos leave the party, they are given a map of homes that have signed up to be handing out treats around the island. Lighted houses invite trick or treaters, darkened houses are a no go. Visiting hours are from 6 to 8 p.m. preferably.

    The idea is to help encourage community participation for all, including area families who don’t have children and for those who are unable to leave home easily. The intent is to try and make sure that everyone knows they are welcome to join in the fun safely, hoping to expand interaction with a caring community.

    Happy Halloween y’all.