Juniper and McKown Points: The heat, Field Day and more

Mon, 07/15/2024 - 11:45am

The Boston and Portland headlines read “The Heat Comes to The Northeast.” No kidding. McKown Point is usually cool but last Sunday evening seemingly more than a dozen members of the Morrison clan and a number of Corbin and Beattie family members were counted in the waters off the Corbin dock, avoiding the 80F plus heat. The indomitable Rue Judd goes in almost every evening, exclaiming “it’s warm!” every time. Visitors beware; the water is not “warm” by any measure, but feels that way this week.  

Even Field Day was held on the water at Reeds Beach on Sunday. Twelve kids, ages 4-12, competed in different relay race activities: the dress-up relay, three legged race and egg on a spoon. They all cooled off in the water and enjoyed catching crabs in the tide pool. Thanks to Vanessa and Christina for organizing.  

Next Sunday evening, the 21st, Dave and Becky will lead a scavenger hunt, 6:30 p.m. at the Community House, for the Ice Cream and Bingo set.  

Another Boomer has made it to the lucky double 7 club. An anonymous source reports that Peter Edwards has a birthday this week. Happy Birthday!  

From Marcia Slingerland comes a report on another July 4th Millennial reunion: A number of old friends from Juniper Point, along with some new ones, got together for tennis, golf, Hawaiian ping pong and just plain hanging out! Po Grant, Sarah Barton, Azhar Meyer, Maya Bloom, Jack Rosenberg and wife Alexis, Sean Helm and wife Katie, Chris Hewlett, Emily Moder and Greg Chandler, and Eric Slingerland and Joanne Huang were among them.  

Tennis is reported so well in Dave’s weekly email that this column will defer to that better source and save the Register a bit of ink. However, we must warn that the tennis social this Thursday evening involves tequila, so drive very very carefully by the courts.   

Thanks for sending in your news. Keep it coming to