Ocean Point Column: Early August events

Tue, 08/06/2024 - 10:00am

This is my first column for the month of August and I’m lamenting the fact that summer is going far too quickly!

Welcome to our many August vacationers. Beth (Ford) and husband Anthony Luongo are here as is Melissa Bliss with her boys Sam and Owen and Kristen Hall and her son Orlando are visiting them.

Jim, Lisa, Kevin and Kyle Rush are back for the August portion of their vacation. Brother Mark and sons William and Alex, daughter in law Meaghan, granddaughter Celia and Alex’s friend Summer Daub are here as well.

Congratulations to our tennis team who defeated Christmas Cove last Friday 31-30. Members of the team included Kyle Rush, Jonathan Yerrall, Zach Arnpriester, Everett Kaler, Liam and Louie Raymond and Bella, Amelia, JD, and Juliana Scianablo.

Once again there are many to thank for hosting activities last week. Thank you to Greg and Amy Arnpriester for S’mores Night at Grimes and Tim Landry for introducing us to the Myers-Briggs Test.

Thank you to China McHold who hosted the adult movie night and Ginna Yerrall who organized the kids Left Right Center.

The Raymonds graciously hosted yard games on their lawn Thursday evening.

Our second Food Sale of the season was held on Friday and was quite successful.

Thanks to China McHold for organizing and assisted by Ginny and Lisa Rush, Kelly Dun, Pat Landurand, Sue Kern and Ginna Yerrall. Thanks to all who donated the delicious food items.

Despite the torrential rain Sunday morning, Aug. 4, the kids were able to participate in a shortened version of the Fishing Derby. Thanks to Ben Kaler, the Card Cove Association and all the boat captains and mates for their assistance. I hope to have some results next week.

Purchase your tickets for the second annual and quite popular Taco Tuesday night, Aug. 6 beginning at 6:30. An email with a link was sent last week; tickets will not be sold at the door. See Ginna Yerrall for any questions regarding this event.

Ginna Yerrall will also be organizing adult Right Left Center Wednesday evening and that event starts at 8.

One note of interest is the kid’s Friday night Trivia has been moved to next Friday night, Aug. 16 at 7.

Saturday morning, Aug. 10 the Rush Family will hold our second Pancake Breakfast of the season from 8:30 to 10. Don’t miss this always-popular event.

Ocean Point resident Pastor John Alden, Lisbon Falls Baptist Church (ret.) Lisbon Falls, Maine will conduct Sunday services at Wilson Chapel on Aug. 11 at 9:30 a.m and all are welcome.

Mark and Cara Pond will be cooking up burgers and hot dogs after the ball game next Sunday, Aug. 11. Bring a salad, side dish or dessert to share.

Ocean Point Author Susan Kimball Clark will share her knowledge and expertise on the history of Ocean Point on Monday morning, Aug. 12 at 10. As many of you may know Sue has published two books detailing the beginning years of Ocean Point in “Past Images of Ocean Point Maine” and” Past Collections of Ocean Point, Maine.” Please join Sue in what I know will be an interesting and informative session.

I hope you will come out and support our many events. Have a great week!