Southport school committee reviews cell phone policy

Tue, 09/10/2024 - 3:30pm

    An old policy got a new look Sept. 5 by the Southport School Committee. Members updated the cell phone policy which included “outdated” language, according to Alternative Organizational Structure (AOS) 98 Superintendent Bob Kahler. The committee deleted language and terms which included Saturday detention. “I don’t know how many Southport students have cell phones, but the committee deleted many out-of-date terms,” he said. The policy will undergo a second reading next month. 

    In other action, interim principal Lisa Clarke reported 15 of 16 students attended the first day of classes on Sept. 3. The new school year began with an assembly in the new outdoor classroom. “Being there allowed us to garner some ideas from the kiddos about how we can all work together to enjoy and take care of this playground extension. Children always have great insight,” she said. 

    Clarke added the school will use remaining Southport Community Project account funds for minor landscaping projects around the school. The project includes enlarging a small flower garden around the school sign and adding more slow growth perennials. They will also build up the flagpole area and plant small shrubs. Cedar boxes will be placed on either side of the school entrance filled with seasonally appropriate flowers. Other landscaping includes placing five containers along the west wall containing a dwarf evergreen.

    Kahler updated committee members about district-wide administrative team meetings. The plan includes site visits with each administrator hosting and allowing colleagues to see their school in action. Kahler said due to Southport Central School’s size, the administrative meeting would take place in the district office followed by administrators touring the school. 

    Kahler also reflected on recent visits within the community. He attended a couple donor appreciation events and was moved by the community’s generosity. “We are so incredibly grateful and fortunate to live and work in a region with such a strong connection between the communities and schools,” he said. “The willingness of people to donate time and money to assist our students is second to none.”

    The committee nominated member Kathy Tibbetts as its Maine School Boards Association delegate for the Oct. 24 and 25 conference in Augusta. The school committee meets next at 4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 3 in the school.