Sprucewold Column: Opening Party July 6

Tue, 06/25/2024 - 12:30pm

Summer is officially here, the summer solstice was on June 20 at 4:51 p.m. this year. According to NPR it's the first time it has been this early since George Washington was president. A mixed bag of weather with extreme heat, heavy rain, and thunderstorms has begun the season.

We lost several trees in the major storms this year but were lucky to have no damage to the cabin unlike a few others. According to Sprucewold Beach Club President Elisa Goldsmith, the beach sustained damage from the storms and the unprecedented high tides to the sea wall and boat dock pier. The pier pilings will be inspected for potential damage as well. Thank you to Sandy Young and Tom Thompson for overseeing the repairs. Going forward the SBC BOD has hired Howard Friant to be property manager of the beach and Nicole Drucker, granddaughter of the late Laddie Drucker, will work part time on beach landscaping.

The Sprucewold Beach Club would like to thank Ernie Labelle for his many years of service to the beach. Ernie has been tireless attending to all the needs of the structures and landscape of the beach and he has our utmost appreciation. The Sprucewold Association would also like to thank Ernie for his years of work maintaining our beautiful Nahanda Park and annually putting up and taking down the Sprucewold street signs and the many other tasks that have come his way.

Linekin Heights caretaker Joel Peaslee has done a great job preparing Linekin Green for the season: mowing, weed whacking, and taking down dead and fallen trees. He will meet with LHA President Wally Moulaison to determine which picnic tables and benches are at the end of their usefulness. In the past David Stedt has been a wonderful volunteer repairing tables and benches but they are reaching their end. We purchased two new tables and benches last year (thank you SA!) and that may be the replacement pattern for the next few years. Sprucewold residents please contact Wally if you would like to use the Green for any occasion.

Sprucewold Association President Annaliese Rittershaus Neff will greet everyone at the summer season Opening Party. There are opportunities to fill positions as Sprucewold Association officers, please consider volunteering, more to come. The annual Opening Party will be at the picnic pavilion on Linekin Green on Saturday, July 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. Beverages and paper goods will be provided, please bring an appetizer or sweet to share. All Sprucewold residents are invited to attend, see you there!