letter to the editor

Thank You from the Boothbay Region and Southport Democratic Committees

Mon, 09/16/2024 - 4:45pm

Dear Editor: 

On behalf of the Boothbay Region Democratic Committee and the Southport Democratic Committee, we want to extend our sincere thanks to all who contributed to the success of our Family Picnic on Sept. 7.  More than 100 of our local Democratic friends, including supporters from beyond our immediate region, participated in the fun of a joyful outdoor event on the Boothbay Town Common celebrating our candidates and our community.  

To our candidates, Cameron Reny, Holly Stover, and Eben Goodkowsky, who, despite the busy demands of their election campaigns made time to be with us, we pledge our support and our votes! You constantly show us the value of local politics and demonstrate your commitment to your constituents. 

To all who attended the Picnic, either as a participant or as one of our tireless volunteers, we’re completely grateful and amazed at the positivity, mutual respect, and enthusiasm we experienced together. Our whole community is enriched by your engagement in support of our candidates and each other.  

A very special thank you to East Boothbay General Store and Ports Restaurants for their generous donations, which helped make our picnic such a success. 

And above all, thanks to the Town of Boothbay for enabling small nonprofits and other groups, like ours, to utilize the wonderful space of the Town Common as a gathering place. 

We encourage you to reach out to our Democratic committees and our candidates if you have any questions about how to get involved in this extremely important campaign season! 

Lucian Laurie, Chair 
Boothbay Region Democratic Committee 

Bill Messmer, Chair 
Southport Democratic Committee 