Trevett Column: Island cookout Aug. 24

Fri, 08/09/2024 - 8:00am

A reminder of a change in the normal schedule – the August potluck will be our annual island cookout taking place on Saturday, Aug. 24 at 3 p.m. (rain or shine) at the hall. Hopefully folks can take time out of their busy schedules to come say hello to their neighbors! This fun event brings out a lot of islanders, so we look forward to seeing you there. You may contact Evelyn (380-6977 or with any questions.

BICA will be providing hot dogs and hamburgers for the cookout. You are asked to bring a side dish, salad or a dessert to share. If you are bringing guests, you might want to bring extra. Kindly bring your own beverage. Water will be available.

The winning drawing for the lobster raffle will take place at the cookout. The drawing is for 24 lobsters to be picked up on Barters Island. Tickets will be available until the time of the drawing. If you want to buy tickets before then just let Evelyn know. A dollar for one ticket and the smarter buy of six tickets for $5. Many thanks to Laura and Bucky for doing such a great job with the raffle.

BICA was honored to host the memorial luncheon for Roland McLellan, a long-time supporter and past president of BICA. His family was most appreciative of all who helped by providing food and assisting at the hall. Roland will be missed.

Thanks go out to Suzanne, Andrea, Judy, Alan and Brenda for hosting the July potluck. It was a big night with special guest Cole being featured. The hall looked great with sailboat centerpieces and other nautical elements. The full hall was treated to lots of great stories about Cole’s 130-day solo non-stop sail around the world. A most remarkable young lady. A special thanks to Cole for taking time out of her busy schedule to share her life with BICA. Stay tuned for her book.

A reminder that the September potluck will feature a few rounds of bingo after dinner.   

BICA can always use help—if you would like to volunteer to help host a potluck please get in touch with Evelyn to learn more about how it works.