Words of Comfort

Part 5 in a series by BRES fourth graders
Sat, 05/23/2020 - 7:15am

Boothbay Region Elementary School fourth graders are sharing their hopes and concerns with the community through “Words of Comfort.” BRES teachers Kathy Hartley and Jennifer Lassen got the idea from renowned cellist Yo Yo Ma’s “Songs of Comfort.” The teachers hope to encourage a connection between students and the community through adults’ responses to them in the following issue. Part 1 ran in the April 23 edition, Part 2 April 30, Part 3 on May 14 and Part 4 on May 21. All are online. This concludes all student submissions to date. Only three readers have responded to students; however, we will continue to accept submissions – there are three weeks left in the school year and summer is bound to be long and as uncertain for kids as much as adults. What were some difficult times for you as a young student? Send your story to:  josephcharpentier@boothbayregister.com

Hello, my name is Eleanor Erwin,

I am 10 years old. I love basketball and football and other sports. I have been playing basketball and football for 3 years. My grandfather and I love lobstering together in the summer. Since school has been closed, I have been enjoying reading, writing, and math. I am really upset that this is my writing teacher’s last year. Personally, I think she is the best, Mrs. Hartley. I miss seeing all of my friends and teachers. Because of this Covid-19/coronavirus, everything has changed. I am really scared because the best people in the world to me are at risk. Nanny, Sweetie, and Grampa. I really want to shout to the older people I am worried for you all. I want to help you all through this very hard time. Also, I am happier because I get to sleep in a little more.

My name is Natalie Flagg,

I just turned ten in March, and I really don’t like what is happening in our world right now. I’ve been pulling through this, but I wish I was back at school with my teachers and friends. I mean, I love having this time with my family, but my parents don’t really feel like my teachers from school, they feel like my parents trying to encourage me to do my school work. During this time, I’ve been feeling angry that this has started and not yet ended, and sad that I can’t spend time with my family or friends. I don’t get to see my grandparents or classmates, and I miss them. But, there is a part of me that is happy that I get this time with my siblings and my parents, and now I don’t have to worry about getting to school on time or due dates for projects. I’m a girl who loves to read, write, draw, solve a hard math problem and play outside. It’s actually nice that I get more time to do those things I enjoy while we’re stuck at home. I have also had more time to think about issues that I care about, like equal rights for everyone. But, there is a lot of stuff that I am missing out on while we’re trapped in our houses, too. Things like singing and dancing with friends, rehearsing plays and being on stage, and spending time with my family and friends. I really miss Jump Rope Club, my theater practice, Y Arts choir, and my school chorus. I can’t do a lot of the things that I love and would be doing at school and after school if we weren’t forced to stay home. I know that we will get through this, we just need to look on the bright side. Maybe that will help the time fly by! Someday, all of us kids are going to become senior citizens, and children will ask us what this was like. I think that it would be wonderful if the senior citizens in our community would share stories of their childhoods, what they had to face and overcome when they were kids. So, elders in our community, what was life like for you when you were our age?

Hi my name is Olivia Carlson,

I am nine years old, almost ten. I have two dogs and two cats and like to play with my animals. One of my favorite activities is biking. Since school has been closed I’ve been watching TV, playing board games; I’ve been artistic and making things: a new origami – its a pop up heart. Every day I do a little bit of school work, some of it’s hard for me. I’ve been using the iPad and sometimes get overwhelmed by the google classroom and all the emails. I’ve enjoyed doing google meets with my friends and teachers. I’ve also enjoyed reading a book all by myself called “The Music Of Dolphins”. I‛m feeling a little sad, a little angry and a little upset about staying home ­because I love going to school. It’s hard because I like my school schedule. I do like that I still have speech – it makes no difference for me because I always do my speech on the computer and I like it when things aren’t different. I am wondering what you did when you had some hard challenging times like this? If you would like to give me feedback, please do. I would be pleasured by that. Thank you and I hope you won’t get sick.

My name is Aiden Jewett,

I am 9 years old and I love basketball. I have played since I was 5. It is fun. I have been doing a lot of cool things like custom making things, playing outside, riding my bike, building things. I am feeling so sad I cannot see my friends – no basketball, no school. The coronavirus is making me mad and I have been getting so frustrated, it is not fun. I hope people are being okay through this horrible coronavirus. Stay healthy.