Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club

Sat, 09/05/2020 - 7:45am

We will be gathering again at the Railway Village on Thursday September 17th for our final Drive-In Get Together of this summer. Just, where has summer gone, it sure has flown by. One sign that summer is fading is that the days are getting a bit shorter. So instead of the program starting at 6 p.m., we will start at 5. Please come by 4:30 so the Railway Village Crew can help us with parking and we have time to visit each other. Members, friends, family are all invited. This will be a Bring Your Own everything, chairs, food, drinks, etc. We will have a short presentation again. Mostly a chance to visit and catch up. The last two meetings have been a nice way to safely visit with one another and enjoy the beautiful grounds of the Boothbay Railway Village. The members of the Rotary Club are so grateful that the Railway Village has provided their beautiful grounds and allowed us to meet monthly in a safe, but fun space during these extraordinary times.

Join us on our weekly “Zoom” meeting Thursday Sept. 10. It will be a special meeting because our District Governor, Peggy Belanger, will join us. Peggy is a lively, spirited speaker with a passion for the work of Rotary. I am sure she will make you proud and glad you are a Rotarian too. Please let me know if you need help with computer connection.

At this week’s meeting, Marty Helman spoke about a sanitation project in Uganda that our club’s International Committee is spearheading. Marty gave a very interesting presentation, with great pictures of Uganda and some of the people in the proposed project village. Marty was a great reminder that our club is part of a worldwide organization: Rotary International. That even in this pandemic world when it is easy to become isolated and our own world gets smaller, we are part of an organization that works for “Service Above Self” around the world.

The Rotary Barn continues to be open Saturday morning between 9 and 11. A big thank you to Monica Elder who organized the books. The book corner looks so inviting. All we need now is an espresso machine, we could have our own Book and Coffee Shop. (Really, Maybe not!) We are accepting donations at this time, but unfortunately, no books. We need to make more room in the book corner first.

Our next Board of Directors virtual meeting is Monday, Sept. 14 at 5 p.m. Please email me at if you have any discussion items, or want an invite to the meeting.