Letter to the Editor

In support of the East Side Waterfront Park

Tue, 05/17/2022 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor: 

When I was growing up in Boothbay Harbor, the waterfront was easily accessible to most people. Fishermen were seen mending their nets and repairing traps on the dock where Fisherman’s Wharf now stands. Clammers and wormers trekked down well-worn paths to shore properties, which seemingly, had no official owners and rarely sported “No Trespassing” signs. Children learned to swim at Stoddard’s pool and the Y at Back Narrows; they frolicked on the beaches at Ocean Point and Hendrick’s Head. 

When the dream of a waterfront park on the East Side of Boothbay Harbor became a reality with sound financial backing and a viable plan, I applauded the efforts of those who had a vision of preserving the working waterfront for our community. There will also be a safe, welcoming space for locals and visitors to enjoy the sights of our beautiful harbor.

I’m saddened when I hear and read about a small group of dissenters forestalling completion of this project with delaying techniques and legal roadblocks. As I recall from my younger days, differences of opinion would often be settled without lawsuits and appeals; a handshake closed the deal. What has happened to change this?

I am in total support of the East Side Waterfront Park. It’s imperative that we save this piece of waterfront for our community and future generations.

Marcia Soler

East Boothbay