Community Resource Council event stocks fridge

Fri, 07/28/2023 - 12:00pm

    On Wednesday, July 26, Community Resource Council (CRC) held a Business After Hours event to benefit the Community Fridge. About 50 townspeople gathered on the lawn of the Boothbay Town Office in front of the fridge, to enjoy hors d’oeuvres from East Boothbay General Store, enter raffles and hear remarks from CRC Operations Director and State Rep. Holly Stover.

    The evening began with special guests Mabel Kaler, a student at Southport Central School and her teacher, Julie Browne. Browne said Southport fifth and sixth graders have been learning about nonprofits and the impact they have on communities. The students were asked to explore area nonprofits and recommend organizations they felt should receive a $2,000 donation. The students then prepared a speech to share with Southport third and fourth graders about what they learned. Browne said the students agreed “it’s never a good feeling to feel hungry,” and decided the donation should go to the CRC Community Fridge.

    As the evening progressed, donations of food and personal hygiene products for the fridge amassed. Julie Roberts, president of Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce, gave a shout out to CRC’s Angie McLellan, who runs the food donation systems for the fridge and food pantry.

    “We began as an intrepid group of volunteers,” said Stover. “All of our services come from our hearts.” CRC has been providing services to people in need in Boothbay, Boothbay Harbor, Edgecomb and Southport for over a decade, with an emphasis on confidentiality and reducing the stigmas associated with being in need. The Community Fridge started last November to help combat food insecurity.

    Stover noted the eight services CRC provides the community: two programs for food (Community Fridge and Food for Thought), two programs for heat (Woodchucks and the Fuel Fund), Boothbay Rides, Addiction Outreach, Set for Success, and a Community Navigator. A complete description of the programs can be found on the CRC website.

    Hannah Corkum, a licensed social worker, and our Community Navigator, was acknowledged for her five years on the job with CRC. Before joining CRC, Corkum was a community case manager in Boothbay for over seven years. “This community is special. The people are very giving and charitable,” she said.

    Stover thanked Lincoln Health for providing CRC with free office space, and Boothbay’s selectmen and town manager for their in-kind support, including space and electricity for the Fridge. “The heart and soul of the community is how we take care of each other,” said Stover.

    The raffles had four lucky winners.

    Food donations are accepted at the Fridge 24/7 with some guidelines. Cash donations are appreciated. Contact Stover at (207)350-7477. A portion of the proceeds from the sale of “the-love of-Maine” branded t-shirts from Black River Gallery go to CRC.