Bayville Buzz

Mon, 07/01/2024 - 7:30am

Once again, July 4 has arrived and that means summer is really here! As always, the day begins at 9 a.m. at the Community House for the annual Bayville Improvement Association meeting.

After those fireworks, it’s time to rest  - or for the younger set - carry tables and chairs in preparation for the parade, great patriotic music and good eats. 
Merrill Bros and Associates will be manning the grills with the flair and grace of synchronized swimmers. Who will be our Joey Chestnut wannabe this year? Perhaps, now that he has been banned from Nathan's Fourth of July hot dog eating contest, Joey will choose to compete against Bayville's finest. There will be an extra 80 dogs waiting for him just in case. 
Speaking of the Merrills, Greg and Annette recently returned from a family journey through Switzerland. They loved it all, but were really impressed with the punctuality of their trains. I wish the Buzz corporate office ran as smoothly.
Pam and Craig (Gardiner and Collins) are getting everything ready for the 12th annual Bayville - Cabbage Island Swim. This year's event will take place on Aug. 18 and is open to anyone – Bayvillian or not! Whether you want to swim or paddle it’s a really fun event - and great exercise too! Everyone who swims is required to have a spotter, but don’t fret if you don’t have your own, as there are usually extras. Opening ceremonies begin at 9:45 a.m. and dive-off-the dock time is 10. All are rewarded at the end with smoothies and beautiful views. Please register at
There was a lot of fun to be had by all at Windjammer Days. Reports came in that Mark and Barbara Spencer were showing off their disco dance moves at Motor Booty Affair. The general consensus was that Mark's white tux was a bit much, but the truth is the band loved it.
A large contingent from The Glen (West Bayville) consisting of the Munells, Gilchrists, Begonzis and Hultins were at the Chowder House party in the cold wind partaking in fishy food and watching the sailing contests. They also watched the codfish relay races earlier in the week and saw that once again, the Bayville relay team was noticeably absent. I believe they are busy forming our team for next year. That side of the Village has also seen Frank doing lots of scraping and painting at the Purcell Cottage.  
Celebration is again plying the waters of Linekin Bay as the crew prepares to defend their title at the Society Races. 
When you next see Charlie Fletcher, welcome him to the nonagenarian club. He became a member on June 29. Happy Birthday Charlie!
Happy Fourth to all and please send your news to