2023 new umpire classes scheduled for Midcoast

Wed, 03/01/2023 - 10:00am

The Midcoast Umpire Association of Maine (MUA) will be providing training for interested new members, or individuals looking to learn more about the game of baseball or softball.

The association assists with providing professional, quality officiating to local baseball and softball teams, grades 7 to 12, as well as to local youth amateur leagues, including Babe Ruth Baseball, Cal Ripken Baseball, and Little League Baseball/Softball.

All interested individuals are encouraged to apply. Training and education are provided by veteran umpires using hands on, online, visual and written study resources. New member separate sessions for baseball and softball training will begin March 20 for baseball and March 21 for softball. Training will be provided live via Zoom teleconferencing.

Anyone interested in this challenging and rewarding opportunity are encouraged to register at midcoastumpires.com under the “Join Us” section, or by contacting Chris Barstow at crbarstow@gmail.com.