Boothbay Region Lions Club

Fri, 10/27/2023 - 12:00pm

Have you been listening? If you have, then you’ve heard our Lions “roar.” Our members have been out and about, not full of fanfare but helping our community nonetheless. 

Our annual Christmas Lotto Tree Scratch Ticket Raffle is going strong. Tickets are $5 each and can be purchased from any club member as well as from our helpers: Craig Balsdon, Stacy Peters and The Community Center.  Proceeds go directly to the Santa Funds for BRHS and BRES. These funds provide a holiday for kids and teens who might otherwise not have much of one. Look for us at Gardens Aglow Community Night - stop by our table for a ticket and pick up an application to join our club. Drawings will be held Dec. 13 with 1st prize: the 25” tree decorated with $300 worth of scratch tickets; 2nd prize: $100 cash and 3rd prize: $50 cash.

We hosted the District 41 Cabinet meeting Oct. 1 at the American Legion. We cooked and served breakfast (including waffles) and welcomed 60 Lions from around the state.  Our District Governor's charity this year is Honor Flight of Maine. We listened with tears in our eyes to how touched our Veterans are when they visit Washington, D.C. 

We were at the Fall Foliage Fair - Lion Jay created his famous fish chowder and Lions braved the rain storm. All our proceeds from the sale of chowder go to Honor Flight Maine. Thank you to all who donated and also bought chowder.

We were at Farm 23 on Oct. 15 for White Cane Safety Day. Thank you to Farm 23 for allowing us to set up outside and to all those who stopped to learn about white canes and added to the donation jar for Maine Sight and Hearing.  President Lyndon Johnson declared: A Proclamation: A white cane in our society has become one of the symbols of a blind person's ability to come and go on his own. Its use has promoted courtesy and special consideration for the blind on our streets and highways. To make our people more fully aware of the meaning of the white cane, and of the need for motorists to exercise special care for the blind persons who carry it, the Congress, by a joint resolution approved October 6, 1964, has authorized the President to proclaim Oct. 15 of each year as White Cane Safety Day.

Lions also went to school - to vision screen! Over 160 children from BRES, EES and Southport schools were screened by the SPOT machine with several referred for further testing. Next year Georgetown grade school will be part of our screening group.

We also boxed up over 460 used glasses, cell phones and hearing aids and sent them to the Massabesic Lions to sort and ship out for further processing. Our boxes for drop off are located at the small mall entrance, Library and Dr. Andrews dental office.  

And, to continue showing our community support we have given funds to The Community Center, The Library, The Free Bed Fund, The Sea & Science Center and the school snack closets.

We’re always in need of new Lions! Our newest member, Courtney Nickerson, has jumped right in. A special congratulations to Lion Alexandra Andrews McElman on her recent marriage!

We welcome all who are willing to abide by the Lions International motto: We Serve. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of most months (except July and August) at the East Boothbay Fire Station on School Street at 6 p.m. For more information visit our Facebook page.