letter to the editor

Campaigning on the ballot

Mon, 05/13/2024 - 3:15pm
Dear Editor:

The article published on the citizen’s petition for a reconsideration vote on the referendum of April 24 offered more time to read the ballot question.

The April 24 ballot question was presented with the possibility that after the bond is approved, “donations” might be made that will reduce the cost of the bond, without explaining that the donations will be conditional gifts or what a conditional gift entails.

It is inappropriate to include information additional to the referendum on the ballot. The additional information suggests that the bond won’t cost the taxpayers the amount they are being asked to approve, so don’t worry about your taxes going up! This can be interpreted as campaigning embedded in a ballot. It creates confusion around the real cost to the taxpayers. It is like saying “The terms being voted on are temporary and may change after the public votes for terms that, as stated on the ballot, may change at any time without further public voting”. Your vore is only a formality!

As long as the ballot is adding extra information, why not include that the donations are conditional gifts as stated in Title 20-A:§1705 of the Maine statutes? This was decided in the Joint Meeting of the Boards on August 25, 2021. ‘Donation” or “gift” is a misleading name for money given with conditions. My understanding is that “donations” with conditions are not tax-deductible as is the case of donations given through the educational foundation on the AOS98 website.

As oligarchs make continued use of §5654. Conditional gifts, they gain greater control over communities. The statute places no limitations on the conditions the donor can make and requires that the municipality “shall perpetually comply with, and may raise money to carry into effect, the conditions upon which the agreement was made.” The negotiations are strictly between leadership and a donor with conditions. The people have no say. The statute is vague about the length of time the municipality is obligated to fund the project, a hidden cost.

The only reason to use conditional gifts instead of tax-deductible donations is the conditions.

Susan Mackenzie Andersen
