letter to the editor

Didn’t have to be this complicated

Mon, 05/13/2024 - 3:30pm

Dear Editor:

Thursday, Feb. 11, 2021 at 5 p.m. – that was the date when a joint meeting of the C.S.D. Board of Trustees and the C.S.D. Board of Education voted to accept an Unconditional Gift in an amount no less than the estimated cost of the Concept Design Phase. This was followed by a vote to establish a Building Committee and a third vote to schedule a referendum after completion of the Concept Design Phase.

These facts I am sending out to my pen pal, Ms. Andersen, who for the last three years has believed there is some grand conspiracy with dark money, a secret cabal and whatever nonsense that can be pieced together, at least in her mind. Next, after repeatedly stating that the school boards changed or did away with the Charter, the two towns – Boothbay and Boothbay Harbor – changed the Charter because they held the Charter. The school boards have never had the power to do so.

I said in the past that you are certainly entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts. In addition to owning the Charter, the towns also own the two buildings. The care of the buildings has been underfunded for 40 years. This whole process began in 2018. The District was given a Gift Unconditionally to seek a way forward. All that was asked of the public was to attend some meetings, add their input and ideas. Every one of the B.E.C. Meetings was publicly announced and also available on Zoom. There is also a website to find every one of the facts I just stated.

This whole thing didn’t have to be this complicated, but I believe some wanted it to be this complicated!

Steven Lorrain 

Boothbay Harbor