letter to the editor

Good-bye and thanks

Mon, 07/01/2024 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

I want to express my sincerest thanks to the good people of the greater Boothbay Harbor area for all your support over the past few years. It is with sadness that I must say good-bye to the community.

It was a difficult decision to leave the harbormaster position halfway through my 5-year plan, but I hope everyone has noticed the improvements in the areas where I focused my efforts. 

It was my pleasure to serve such an amazing group of people. Getting to know the community through the water side of things is something most people don’t get a chance to experience unless you work or play there. 

If I were to leave with one recommendation, it would be this: head down to the waterfront and meet your neighbors who live, work and enjoy their days on the high seas. They are a great group of people.

Rob Leavitt 

Boothbay Harbor Harbormaster