Southport Town Hall

‘Maine in the China Trade’ talk Sept. 7

Sun, 09/01/2024 - 7:45am

    Friends of the Southport Historical Society present  “Maine in the China Trade,” a talk by Cipperly Good, Sept. 7, 7 p.m., Southport Town Hall. 

    Ms. Good is the Richard Saltonstall Jr. Curator of Maritime History at the Penobscot Marine Museum of Searsport. Using objects, photographs, and archives from the collection of the Penobscot Marine Museum in her talk, Ms. Good will highlight how the First Opium War of the early 1840s opened up the ports of China to the world, including the ports of Maine. Merchant mariners of Maine, aboard Maine-built ships, entered the Chinese import and export trade, with this trade lasting into the turn of the 20th Century. Along with souvenirs, Maine sea captains also brought back to our coast stories and an economic understanding of China. 

    All are welcome to what is sure to be a fascinating presentation.