New sculpture on the Trail

Fri, 08/18/2023 - 11:00am

    The Carriage House Restaurant in East Boothbay has become a stop on the Boothbay Harbor Region Sculpture Trail. 

    Sculpture Trail board members Dan Ucci and Bill Royall, with artist Rob Lash of Vermont, installed “Bang!” on Thursday, Aug. 10.

    Lash, formerly of Gardiner, writes on his website about his work: “From the subtle suggestions in wood such as a hole piercing the work and showing a glimpse of the inside of the form, to steel forms where half the form is exterior surface and half is interior, with different viewing angles revealing changing proportions of each. This interior/exterior relationship is true in the human condition of us all, some exposing very little of their interiors while others expose greater amounts. I believe this aspect, as well as the curves and proportions in my work, give the viewer an intuitive connection to the form. To arrest the viewer and not lead them back into life with an opinion about it but to create an occasion for contemplation, this is my purpose.”

    “Bang!” is a steel cube mounted on a triangular, poured concrete base. Royall said it is the 37th sculpture on the current trail. Since it was established in 2017, there have been 45 sculptures  – a total that includes work that was sold. All sculptures on the trail are for sale, except the Mitch Billis bronze, “My Story,” which Billis gifted to Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library in 2019.

    Sculpture Trail maps are at Boothbay Harbor Region Chamber of Commerce and at most of the locations where sculptures have been installed. 

    For more about the artist:  For more about the Boothbay Harbor Region Sculpture Trail, visit its Facebook page.