Letter to the Editor

Safety should be the only issue

Tue, 07/19/2016 - 10:00am

Dear Editor:

In the long run, the growth of the Boothbay region is inevitable. At the same time, with growth comes traffic. Yet this does not have to be a problem if we take action now and approve the planned roundabout on Route 27. A joint letter signed by fire chiefs, police chief, sheriff and ambulance service agrees with the proposed roundabout and other planned upgrades (including sidewalks from the YMCA) for the Boothbay Center. It will improve traffic for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and support better emergency access to the area.

Safety should be the only issue, not politics. It’s proven that replacing a standard intersection with a single lane roundabout leads to a reduction in injuries and fatalities, both through the safer traffic pattern and the lowered speed of vehicles transiting through. This would be a boon for the children, seniors, and patrons of the local farmers market, who would face less risk if they only had to navigate a single lane of traffic.

The support of Maine DOT, TIF District #3 financing, and a major contribution from a generous resident, Paul Coulombe, makes this project both smart and affordable. We shouldn’t ask,”Can we afford to do this?” But rather ask ourselves, “Can we afford not to?”

Joe and Jill Doyle

Boothbay Harbor