letter to the editor

Save our way of life

Mon, 10/24/2022 - 5:00pm

Dear Editor:

In case you haven’t been paying attention, hundreds of billions of dollars are being spent at the federal and state level on offshore wind development. The Biden and Mills administration is 100% committed to reimagining our historical marine economy into a new “green” economy made up of aquaculture and offshore wind power generation. If you don’t believe me, flip through the federal Inflation Reduction Act (what an excellent oxymoron) and Biden’s 2021 Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Hundreds and hundreds of pages of supplemental funding (let’s call it what it is - borrowing); trillions of taxpayer dollars directed at endless programs tied to the new “green” economy and offshore wind is the “green” poster child.

Make no mistake, eliminating the lobstering industry through the Right Whale risk reduction regulations paves the way for offshore wind development. Anyone who went to the recent NOAA meeting in Portland or views “The Maine Reset” documentary You Tube channel, knows the lack of data and science that these regulations are based on. The Right Whale issue in the Gulf of Maine is completely contrived.

So, what gives? If you have the stomach to review federal election commission and state ethics commission campaign finance filings and thumb through the political action committee section (or even Chellie Pingree’s donor list), you will see first-hand evidence of the new “green” economy vis a vis the endless, huge contributions to Democratic candidates and PACs by these groups. Every Democrat politician on this year’s ticket is being directly or indirectly funded by big wind and those global companies stand to make billions with offshore wind development.

Our local and state economies hang in the balance. Without a change of course, our way of life will be shattered. We need a complete change in political leadership before it’s too late – vote the Republican ticket on Nov. 8. If we don’t take action now, our way of life will be wiped out. As perfectly stated by the “Downeast Housewives for the Fishing Industry” group, What is Maine without Lobster? I don’t know about you, but I certainly hope to never find out.

Patty Minerich

Boothbay Harbor