letter to the editor

Something good could happen?

Mon, 04/13/2020 - 5:00pm

Dear Editor:

Why has the world been afflicted with COVID-19?

Had we become too self-absorbed and greedy? Too dependent on things, not ideas?

Was it time for a re-set?

We are learning that pollution is down 40%. The air is cleaner in big cities, and carbon dioxide is off by 60% in some places where an abundance of trucks and cars were a problem. New York City is already looking at ways to keep pollution down after shelter-at-home is over. They are talking about making some streets pedestrian only and limiting traffic on others. Chicago and other big cities may follow suit.

Could this be the beginning of our attack on climate change? Will we see the benefits of less traffic, and learn to use public transportation instead of cars? Will we use less plastic, knowing it holds the virus for 72 hours?

And kindness is back in style. Will we learn to be more civil to each other? Reach out to those in need, as have health care workers, food bank volunteers and neighbors of the elderly?

Walking has become the only form of exercise for many. Will we continue this natural way to gain strength in our limbs, and abandon exercise equipment for the out-of-doors? Will we learn to communicate more with nature, listen to the trees, learn from the animals?

Let’s take a look at what’s been good about staying at home and build on that in the future. Read a book, listen to music, turn off the TV (except when the experts speak), cook a new recipe, eat less, weigh less, sleep more. And clean out the attic.

Are we about to realize that something good could come of this horrible pandemic?

Let’s hope so.

Helen Meserve
