Southport Column: Boat rescue, meetings and more

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 8:45am

Look elsewhere in this paper for an article written by two sailors in the Southport Yacht Club’s afternoon program. They tell the tale of motoring home to Christmas Cove when they see two people with their boat stuck on a rock. The boys tale of helping these folks off the rock and of the lessons learned is vital to all of us who ply these waters. Well done, Sam and Jay, not only in your actions, but also in your writing.

Not as physically difficult but a bit of a stretch at least to my understanding is the information shared at the July 10 meeting at the Southport Town Hall concerning the changes necessary to the Southport Land Ordinance pertaining to housing criteria and also to the ordinance concerning blasting. Another chance to ask questions and hear about these changes will be July 18 at 5 p.m. at the town hall. The bottom line on the
housing ordinance changes is that we must bring them into concurrence with the state ordinances. Basically it sounds as though if you are building additional dwellings on your property or enlarging a current dwelling to create living space for additional people, the new addition or buildings must be acceptable as year-round spaces. The change to Appendix D, pertaining to blasting is necessary to allow the installation of
town water to additional parts of the island. At the town meeting in March we voted a moratorium on blasting. Both of these proposed changes will be voted on at a special town meeting scheduled for July 24 at 6 p.m. at the Town Hall.

Also on July 18 the Southport General Store will host a wine tasting from 4 to 6 p.m. Another wine tasting, this time coupled with talks by three different artists, will be at the store on Aug. 2, I assume at the same time.

Russell Jackson had a great time with family and friends, first attending a 50th wedding anniversary on June 29 in Massachusetts and then the next day, June 30, attending his 60th high school class reunion in Fairhaven, Massachusetts. Many experiences to share at both events, I am sure.

Many people attended and enjoyed author Barbara Ross’s talk at the Southport Memorial Library last Thursday, July 11. She explained the complexity of creating maps for her books and of publication in general. She also talked of the discipline necessary to complete the many mystery novels and six novellas she has written. Her latest novel is “Torn Asunder,” a story that involves an island wedding, a dead guest, and a storm. Her books are available at the library.

Coming up at the Southport Memorial Library is first a community picnic on July 24 from 11:30 a.m. until 1 p.m. This fun event is free and a chance to come together with your neighbors to enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, watermelon, and dessert.

Next up at the library will be the Book and Bake Sale on Aug. 1. Baked goods will be on sale in the morning from 9 until noon, and books will be for sale from 9 until 4 p.m. The book sale will continue on Saturday, Aug. 3 from 9 until 4.

Before that chance for goodies, on Wednesday, July 17 beginning at 11 a.m. you can attend the annual Lobster Roll Lunch and Cookie Sale at the Southport Town Hall, provided by the women of the Southport Methodist Church. Lunch will be a lobster roll, chips, a homemade cupcake, and ice tea or lemonade.

Another popular sales event is the Firemen’s Auction, which will be Aug. 24. You may begin to donate items for sale, leaving them at the firehouse.