Southport mil rate up 8.25%

Wed, 08/28/2024 - 8:45am

    Southport property taxpayers will pay a little more in 2024. Selectmen approved a 0.005685 mil rate which is 8.25% more than in 2023. During the Aug. 21 selectboard meeting, Selectman Gerry Gamage reported the increase will cost property owners 43.5 cents more per $1,000 valuation Selectmen also set a $6.104 per $1,000 valuation special assessment for Capitol Island and $8.651 per $1,000 valuation for Squirrel Island.

    In other action, selectmen appointed Squirrel Island manager Bryan Carroll as constable. Gamage said it is customary to appoint the manager as constable. Selectman also approved Southport Island Association’s town hall rental request for Oct. 29, 30 and 31 for a Halloween community party.

    Selectmen received a Maine Department of Transportation notice that Charles Cochrane submitted an application to rebuild his pier on his Ebenecook Road property.

    Selectmen meet next at 5 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 4 in the town hall.