Sprucewold Column: Street signs, Members social and more

Tue, 07/16/2024 - 1:45pm

Hot and humid weather with occasional fog, but we’ll take it. Our son-in-law, Ben Waters, and I installed the Sprucewold street signs this week, and new residents' names have been added. Thank you to Ernie Labelle for taking on this task for so many years. Thank you also to Pat Moore and Tina Miller for making the new member name signs that are added to the street signs each year. If you do not have your name on the street sign where you live, and you are a member of the Sprucewold Association, please add the one-time fee of $10 to your membership form when you receive it. At the beginning of the season, new names are added. Several street signs need to be repaired, and one or two may need to be replaced. It will be an item for discussion at the SA annual meeting. Sprucewold Association membership is open to every resident of Sprucewold. The association supports Nahanada Park, Crooked Pine Dock and is the social organization for the entire area.

There are new notice boards near several street signs that do not have mailbox notice boards. We recycled several old pine boards that now hold notices for upcoming events. Current notices include: Members Social information, Firewise information, and annual meeting places and dates. 

If you are free on Friday or Saturday, July 19 or 20, go to the Lincoln Theater in Damariscotta to see the latest show by the Cave Dogs, Liquid States. Experience storytelling like never before with Cave Dogs’ fluid shadows and wild imagery. Co-founders are Jim Fossett and Suzanne Stokes who have taken their shows nationally and all over the world. Go to lincolntheater,net for more information.

On Sunday, July 21 from 4:30 to 6 p.m., there will be a Members Social at the beach with snacks, but please bring your own beverage. The purpose of the social is to meet and greet each other at the beach, as well as have a Q&A for new members. 

Don’t forget the Firewise Chipping program on Tuesday, July 23. Get your Chipping Request form into Curt Audin ASAP! Also, if you would like to meet with our local forest ranger to discuss fire safety at your own property, let Randy Lehman or Curt Audin know so it can be arranged. 

If anyone has problems with their water pressure, let the Boothbay Harbor Water District know. They are responsive to every call. On Bayberry Road a neighbor and our cabin had issues and they came almost immediately to investigate and are watching for potential solutions.

Last week, we were pleased to see the street cleaner doing its job in the Sprucewold neighborhood. According to the Boothbay Harbor Police Department, the speed limit on our area roads is 25 miles per hour. It can be dangerous biking and walking with no sidewalks and vegetation sticking out in the roadway in some places. Please be aware of bikers and walkers, and let’s keep everyone safe in Sprucewold!