Three graduate from Southport Central School

Thu, 06/13/2024 - 5:00pm

    Living on an island and having a school population of 18 students allows for some fun things to be held come graduation time – riding on a fire truck from the school to one of the most beautiful inns on the peninsula for the ceremony, with a whole lot of family and friends waiting outside and cheering as the graduates arrive.

    Such was the case for three of the Southport Central School students, sixth grade graduates Mabel Kaler, Jessie Ullo and Kayla Watts, as SCS held its graduation and awards ceremony at Newagen Inn on Thursday morning, June 13. Mother Nature cooperated nicely with sunny skies and the temperature around 70F.

    As the audience of about 60 settled in their seats, they soon stood up as the graduates entered the room to the playing of “Pomp and Circumstance” and made their way to the front of the room, where Principal Lisa Clarke asked everyone to remain standing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

    Before the presentation of diplomas for Kaler, Ullo and Watts, SCS teachers Nikki Tibbetts (K-1), Clarke (grade 2), Julie Browne (grades 4-6) and Jennifer McIvor (art) presented certificates of achievement, as well as gifts, to their students. Each student was noted for their various contributions to the class or school, such as being “curious,” offering “ideas,” being a “helper.” or being a “magnificent mathematician.”

    Songs were sung by the student body, the fifth and sixth graders, and the graduates. McIvor, who is also the music teacher, and guidance/cultural studies teacher Meredith Fowlie directed the singing.

    The graduates then talked about their time at the school, reminiscing about special moments and thanking their teachers for their help over the years.

    Clarke then told stories about the graduates, followed by Browne presenting them with their graduation certificates. Clarke said she will miss them all, especially for them leading the singing at various times. “Somehow we’ll manage without you,” said Clarke.

    All were treated to a special video of the graduates put together by school assistant/tech coordinator Eileen Higgins featuring photographs of them from before school, their years in school, to the trip to Boston at the end of May with teachers Tibbetts and Browne.

    Cookies and lemonade were enjoyed by most following the ceremony.