Main Street Advertising

 What is Main Street?

It could be a game changer for your business or organization

Lease some space and grow your business on Main Street: Reach thousands of prospects and customers on our website's front page. Main Street is our flagship advertising option that gives businesses and organizations the opportunity to speak directly to our audience from our home page, the entry point where readers arrive when they come to our website. Advertisers post short teaser headlines with a photo or graphic directly on our Home Page as frequently as they like. These teaser blurbs act like signs in a store window or a sandwich board on the sidewalk. Readers see them as they go down Main Street and they enter your business by clicking on your blurb.

Each blurb can announce daily specials, new arrivals, special sales, special items, special events, and anything you want those who are strolling down Main Street to know about your business or organization.
When a reader clicks on your blurb, they are taken to your special micro-site, created with the help of our creative staff, to promote your business through:
-Photo galleries
-Frequent postings of teaser blurbs
-Articles about your staff, your history, or anything else that you want to share
-Videos of you or your people presenting products or events
When a reader clicks on the Main Street awning on our Front Page, they jump to our Main Street page, where Main Street fills the page and everything is magnified.
Benefits of advertising on Main Street
-Your ad is exposed to the thousands of daily website visitors
-Your Main Street ad triggers a "word-of-mouth" campaign when readers use social media to pass your message to their friends.
-Frequent advertising builds brand awareness, and Main Street makes frequent ads affordable
-The weekly single website cost of $20 allows unlimited ad frequency. Additional websites or businesses with the same owner may be added at a cost $10 each per week.
Bottom line: More bang for your advertising buck!

A word about our evolving business directory

Membership in our Main Street program includes a large listing in our online business directory. A basic listing in the directory is free. A premium listing costs a nominal $5 a week.The chart below compares the three choices. Our directory is the go-to guide for anyone searching for a business, organization, product or service in the Midcoast region. Being listed will be part of every enterprise's success formula.

Business Directory Choices



Main Street

Business/Organization Name


Phone Number

Category of business

Additional Category Option


Link to your website


Business hours


Google map of your location


Email address


Your logo


Access to Main Street on home page


Post buzz (news) about your business


Post specials you are offering


Post upcoming events


Microsite (your website on our website)


300 by 250 ad (ad here rotates throughout our website)


Complete Buzz archive


List of recent Specials


List of past, present & future events


Photo gallery: people, places & things


Video gallery: Events/How to/etc.


Files: Menus, drawings, homes, etc


Links: To social media & your website


Posts are easily shared to your Facebook/Twitter pages


Thanks for taking the time to review Main Street Advertising program! We encourage you to ask one of our reps to stop by and chat with you about how partnering with us might be helpful as you stretch to meet your goals. The meeting just might trigger the next upward jump for both our businesses.
For help advertising on, or our partner, contact:
Kathy Frizzell: 207-844-4631 or
Sarah Morley: 207-844-4630 or