letter to the editor

The DNC as America’s best hope

Mon, 09/12/2022 - 2:45pm

Dear Editor:

I am responding to Dave Gregg’s letter regarding DNC as “American Totalitarians,” Aug. 11, 2022.

Climate change is not a “fad.” It is physics and chemistry. The Earth has warmed 1.1 degrees since the Industrial Revolution. A warming atmosphere contains more moisture. That is why the people of Kentucky were inundated with water last week as well as the people of Seoul, Korea, who drowned in their basements just like the people of Brooklyn, last summer. Global warming has no political party. Burning coal, oil and gas sends CO2, carbon dioxide, and methane, greenhouse gases, into the atmosphere. The Arctic is warming four times faster than other locales and the Gulf of Maine is the warmest it has ever been.

Do you think it is “socialist” to give our government the ability to negotiate drug prices? Do you think it is “socialist” to cap drug payments on a yearly basis to $2,000? Do you think our children and grandchildren want to inherit a world beset by extreme precipitation and severe droughts? Lake Mead, in Colorado, won’t be able to irrigate the crops that we depend on. Then what? Our lobster industry will watch helplessly, as lobsters continue to go North in search of colder water. Fad? or Reality?

Marcia Annenberg

Boothbay Harbor