Boothbay Harbor selectmen hold 4 executive sessions

Thu, 01/12/2023 - 8:45am

    On Jan. 9, Boothbay Harbor selectmen held four executive sessions with one discussing pending litigation. Following the last session, Town Manager Julia Latter reported selectmen discussed pending litigation filed by residents Joe and Jill Doyle pertaining to a site design review approved by the planning board for the Eastside Waterfront Park project.

    Lincoln County Superior Court stayed the appeal last year until the Boothbay Harbor Board of Appeals ruled on another filed by the Doyles. On Jan. 31, the appeals board will resume its hearing regarding the Doyles’ appeal of a planning board decision granting the park a building permit. Once the appeals board rules, then the Superior Court can proceed with the original appeal. 

    This was one of two executive sessions involving legal counsel advice. The others pertained to personnel discussions. Following all four sessions, selectmen took no action. 

    In other action, selectmen voted, 5-0, to accept a proposed new Community School District charter. Board Chairman Mike Tomko reported the new charter had support from Boothbay selectmen and CSD board members. The charter was originally adopted in 1953. Tomko explained the new charter reflects “more modern language and brings the charter in line with current state statutes.”

    The charter’s most dramatic change is moving from a town meeting-style budget adoption format to a budget validation referendum. Under the new format, the BVR remains in place for 10 years unless a public petition requests an earlier vote to revert back to the past format. Boothbay Harbor is the first elected group to vote on adopting the new charter. The superintending committee voted on Tuesday, Jan. 10; Boothbay selectmen were set to vote Wednesday, Jan. 11; and trustees vote on an undetermined date. 

    Tomko said if the legislature approves the changes it would be the charter’s sixth revision. 

    Selectmen also promoted Tom Minerich from alternate to full planning board member. Selectmen will appoint more alternate planning board members later. Selectmen also unanimously renewed a special amusement and liquor license, malt, wine and spirits licenses for Brady’s.

    In her report, Latter said the town received two Mildred McEvoy Foundation gifts. One is a $10,000 donation for footbridge beautification. The second is a $26,000 donation for police equipment. 

    Selectmen meet next at 7 p.m. Monday, Jan. 23 in the conference room.