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Mon, 01/23/2023 - 19:04

Marz is a great fetcher. Initially, Liana and I were worried because his little ADHD brain would watch the ball like a deer would watch headlights close in.

But he got better and better. He learned to keep his eye on the ball as it left the launcher and follow it for any bounces. And if he did miss one, he was great at running around with his nose down and sniffing it out until he found it. I can't remember the last time he lost a tennis ball.

But that's all changed now that there's snow around. Marz has most certainly lost his tiny little mind. He didn't lose a tennis ball all summer. Since the snowstorm on January 20, he's lost 3. Thank dog for Auggie who isn't quite so quick anymore, but will find the tennis ball. I mean, look at Marz run past this tennis ball over and over:

Click on the photo to reveal 41 more seconds of him running inches past the tennis ball repeatedly.

We might be through the looking glass here, people. Stay tuned to see if I'll have to operate.

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Click here to see some SERIOUS Maine Rapping: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyZXnpO8Jew

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