
Click image below to download a  
printable version of the rate sheet:

Classified Display Advertising Prices

BBR/WN ~ $10/per column inch 
Includes insertion into both the Boothbay Register and Wiscasset Newspaper 
~ 2 newspapers ~ 

LCN ~ $14.24/per column inch 
LCN Combo 
Includes insertion into the Boothbay Register, Wiscasset Newspaper & the Lincoln County News 
~ 3 newspapers ~ 

M/C ~ $26.74/per column inch  
Midcoast Combo 
Includes insertion into all three of the above and the Times Record Friday/Weekend Edition 
~ 4 newspapers ~

Classified Rates: Display ads start at $10 per column inch.

Classified Line Ad Prices

Line ads start at $6 for the first 4 lines. (estimate 32 characters per line)

Each additional line is $1

Call: 207-633-4620 