Missing Pennsylvania, Alaska man last seen in Southport

Tue, 07/25/2023 - 4:15pm

    Brian McNamee, 39, of Drexel Hill, Pennsylvania and Skagway, Alaska is missing and was last last seen July 1 at Southport General Store where he is employed.

    McNamee reported to his boss that on June 30, he was attacked. It is reported McNamee had abrasions from the assault on his face. That event was not reported to law enforcement.

    When McNamee left on July 1, he took his chef knives and cleaned his other belongings from work. He reported to his boss that he lost his cell phone on June 24.

    McNamee was camping at Penny Lake preserve in a tent. Deputies located his campsite where he left behind some belongings.

    His family reports he is known to wander and work in seasonal resort towns and it is not uncommon for him not to communicate with his family.   His family reported him missing July 21.

    Contact Det. Jared Mitkus 207-882-7332- jmitkus@lincolnso.me or Dep. Kasey Doyle kdoyle@lincolnso.me

    Or provide information via our tip411 line anonymously by texting the keyword LTIP and your tip to 847411.