Southport Pride flag to come down

Fri, 06/14/2024 - 11:00am

    The Southport Pride flag will be removed this week. On June 12, selectmen confirmed a decision that flying the Pride flag at town hall would end June 13, one day prior to Flag Day. During the brief selectmen’s meeting, the board received four thank yous from citizens. Residents Leigh Sherrill, Carla Rull Boussen, Mary Hanley and Andrew Luke also sent notes in appreciation of the board’s decision to proclaim June Pride month in Southport.

    The “no thank yous” from residents objecting to the board’s decision were also numerous. “A lot of people came in to voice concerns,” said Selectman Gerry Gamage. “There was as many ‘yeas’ as ‘nays’ so we decided to split the difference and take it down just before Flag Day.”

    In other action, selectmen approved Misty Marston’s request to rent the town hall for a celebration of life July 13. Selectman Smith Climo announced a planned special town meeting this summer will be delayed. Selectman planned a vote regarding a new blasting ordinance and adopting LD 2003. “We need to postpone it because we can’t meet the timeframes for holding a vote,” he said. 

    Selectmen meet next at 5 p.m. Wednesday, June 19.