Why BRLT supports the Boothbay Region Clean Drinking Water Initiative

Fri, 07/19/2024 - 10:00am

    Boothbay Region Land Trust (BRLT) is an organization with a mission to conserve land for the public benefit. We accomplish our mission through land acquisition, environmental education, and responsible stewardship. We do these things for the benefit of the general public as an organization whose mission is focused on sustainability and sensitivity to our community’s needs. The Boothbay Region public drinking water supply is from a surface water source. It is limited in its capacity and is relied upon by the community. The Board of Directors and staff of BRLT feel very strongly that being part of a collaboration working towards the preservation of clean drinking water is important.

    As a part of the Boothbay community, we strive to listen carefully and respond to public needs when possible. Reliable access to clean drinking water and fire suppression are clearly important to everyone who lives or visits here. The water district has affirmed that the most effective way to preserve the water supply is by conserving the undeveloped land and the natural buffer within the watersheds of Adams Pond and Knickerbocker Lake. BRLT can support this effort very well by being the holders of conservation easements or the owners of conserved land as well as working with the community to protect these important buffer lands. Land conservation is a time sensitive process requiring relationship building and education, and that’s all part of what we can contribute.

    BRLT is continually focused on long lasting sustainability. The Boothbay Region public water supply must be long lasting and sustainably managed. We are very pleased to be part of the Boothbay Region Clean Drinking Water Initiative, where we can share our experience in conservation, education and stewardship, while additionally helping address such a critical need in our community.