
The past two years have seen an explosion of crypto currency scams which has led many people to ask the same question - how? After all, crypto currency is something most people don’t understand,…

This Thursday, Feb. 15, we will celebrate the Chinese New Year, which is celebrated by over one billion people worldwide.  The festival is a time for family, friends and feasting, prompting the…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbay register, #Jeff and Allison Wells, #snow buntings, #maine, #birds

Deciding on which leader to follow is certainly occupying much of the media airspace for us humans in the U.S. at the moment and will be for months to come until the Presidential election.

’Round Town

Black and white photography has always been a fundamental interest of mine. It’s where my interest in photography began as a child when I discovered my grandmother’s box camera, negatives and a…

Joe’s Journal

Dan Bryer has a problem. A big problem.

The affable Boothbay town manager has a municipal budget of about $2 to $2.3 million, and he had to spend $2.7 to $3 million to repair roads…

Happy Valentine’s Day this coming Wednesday, Feb. 14! Come visit us and take home a box of cookies (or other baked goods) all for the suggested donation of $10 to support our activities here at…

Many thanks to Maureen Kinsey who kept Southport news coming, writing last week’s column while I made what may be my final trip to our time share at Trapp Family Lodge in Stowe, Vermont. Our time-…

Salt ’n Spar

Let’s turn our attention to the town of Edgecomb where our neighbors across the Sheepscot River are celebrating their town’s 250th birthday. Mark your calendar: A town-wide birthday party is…

Just a few follow up bits of interesting information that came from Senator King’s Congressional VA Committee on Veterans Affairs hearing on Long-Term Care for Veterans in Maine. So, first, adults…

We are finally through what I find to be the longest month of the year, January! We always seem to have the stormiest weather during this month and as we all know this year was no exception.…

Boothbay Harbor Memorial Library has recently added two hot spots, each with 100GB of data to our growing collection. The hot spots were purchased thanks to a generous grant from Coastal…

If we really want to keep ourselves - and our money - safe from fraud, we must all come to terms with one thing: our personal information is likely already out there. Many entities have our…

Where it’s at

Music. Flowers. Poetry. Candlelight. A sumptuous meal. Champagne. Experience it all in one evening and you’ve got the makings of an unforgettable evening of romance - for Valentine’s Day - or just…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #Jeff and Allison Wells, #boothbay register, #birds, #maine, #Kennebec, #bald eagle

While it’s true that a certain Philadelphia-based football team is on ice after a recent playoff collapse against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, the inspiration for this column comes from the real…

’Round Town

Over the years I have had the extraordinary privilege of photographing many great projects in the region. Constructions that have been built, repaired or restored by highly skilled craftspeople…

Joe’s Journal

As the football season winds down with the Chiefs and 49ers set in the Super Bowl, many of us are tuning into sports yakkers yammering about coaching changes, transfer portals, and possible…

The Visually Impaired Persons (VIP) group will meet at 1:15 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 6, here at The Community Center.  The speaker will be Chris Boynton, director of the Maine State Library Outreach…

Last Friday, I attended the U.S. Senate Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Field Hearing held at the University of Maine/Augusta by Senator King. The topic was “The State of Veterans’ Long-Term Care…

Anyone who thought the Memorial Library was just about books was in for a big surprise last week, when the library’s Executive Director Joanna Breen gave us an overview of activities…

February is on the way, so it’s time to announce that the Souper Bowl is returning to Southport Town Hall on Saturday, Feb. 10 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., hosted by the Southport Library Aides…

Community of Hope

Since it was launched last year, the goal of this column has been to raise awareness about domestic violence and its widespread effects on our communities, schools and workplaces. We hope it has…

At the beginning of 2024 the country was plagued by horrendous winter storms. The most recent one to hit the east coast left our little community with a multitude of problems. Lots of …

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #jeff and allison wells, #birds, #boothbay register, #maine, #seal river watershed, #black scoter

A watershed in the Canadian province of Manitoba almost half the size of the entire state of Maine and  estimated to support more than ten million breeding birds took a significant step closer to…

’Round Town

Nothing like a few days without water to make a believer out of you!

Just when things started to settle down…

Joe’s Journal

We were saddened by the damage Mother Nature inflicted upon us in the last few days when she sent the North Atlantic surging over our shores. Thankfully, no one perished.

Our hardworking…

Here’s our weekly weather forecast. By the time you read this we will probably be out of the deep freeze of last week! Once again, we’ll climb into the 40s (yea) but with a little [freezing] rain…

This past weekend many veterans and their families enjoyed a weekend at the Sunday River Ski Resort as part of Maine Adaptive Sports and Recreation, Veterans No Boundaries program. This free…

Meanwhile back in the studio ...

For about four years now I’ve been checking in with artists during the winter months to see what they may be working on. This year, because he’s in Maine and not Texas or New Orleans, I visited…

Weather continues to dominate the news, but this week in a good way. Since last Friday the cold temperatures have allowed the Southport School students to begin skating on their new ice rink. Some…

t was chilly outside but warm inside and wonderful to hear from another of our members about the incredible, life-changing and affirming work she is doing in Uganda. But anyone who knows Patty…

One key to shopping online is reading the fine print, including who you’re actually buying from. While we often think of giant online retailers like Amazon, Walmart and Target as a store they can…

Salt ’n Spar

Not so long ago, Maine winters were a lot colder. Around this time of year the mercury would plunge far below freezing and stay that way for days, sometimes weeks even here on the coast. Around…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #boothbay register, #jeff and allison wells, #short-eared owl, #birds, #maine

For more than 15 years we’ve been hoping.

We had said the phrase, “This is the perfect place for a short-eared owl,” so many times that it had become a kind of inside joke.


’Round Town

It’s kind of odd, isn’t it. To look out at the calm sea after all we have been through this past week. In sort of a weird kind of way it’s like someone out there said “Let’s go to work on the…

Joe’s Journal

Here is a  note from a longtime OP pal.

You know me. 

They used to call me three trees, but Mother Nature culled my two siblings several…

Our weekly weatherman is here once again! Wow, what a week we had last week. While our Boothbay Harbor structures suffered tremendously, I hope all of you are safe and sound. This week will be…

I am pleased that as we are just starting the new year, the 2024 Hall rental schedule has started with seven dates already booked! The 3,000-foot open Hall has a built-in sound system, hard wired…

It sure feels like winter in Maine lately.  Time to stay home by the fire sipping tea or other stronger libations. Unless, you’re a member of the Boothbay Harbor Rotary Club, because this month we…

The ocean has had its way with us! As I began this column on Friday, Jan. 12, we await another storm tonight and tomorrow, this time arriving in Midcoast Maine at the same time as an extraordinary…

If you’re like a lot of people, you spent a lot this holiday season and you might be in the mood to tackle your debt in the new year. Getting yourself out of debt is hard work. It takes time…

Boothbay YMCA Community Catalyst for Good

The Boothbay Region YMCA is proud to announce the completion of Phase One improvements to the connecting trail between Camp Knickerbocker and the Baldwin Center. The trail is a long-established…

A Bird’s Tale
#bird-column, #hepatic tanager, #jeff and allison wells, #birds, #boothbay register, #birds

It was Saturday. Grocery shopping needed to be done. Prescriptions needed filling. The floors needed a vacuuming and the towels needed to be folded and put away.

A major snowstorm was…

Joe’s Journal

Three years ago, I was driving down I-95 en route to Boston when I heard something on the radio that almost made me swerve off the road.“They have breached the Capitol,“ said an NPR announcer.…

’Round Town

Well, we finally got it! And maybe then some. At 5 p.m., right now, it is still snowing. I plowed all our roads once around 1 o’clock thinking that maybe the weather folks might have an inside…

Welcome to our first snowstorm of the year! Unfortunately, by the time you read this column in the newspaper, most of the pretty white stuff will have been washed away by buckets of rain and…

As I sit and write the first column of 2024, I am witnessing the first snowfall of the new year. If you are an outdoor enthusiast I’m certain this is what you have been anxiously awaiting; finally…

Cold has finally arrived with most coves showing icy rims. Too bad the liner for the skating ring is not yet in as perhaps the rink would be frozen enough for skating. Most people I talk with who…

Last week was all about looking at the successes in 2023. This week we look forward to the new year! 

First, we wish for everyone’s good health and we pray for civil discourse through this…

Tom, a retired minister, shared a career of joy filled experiences as he served various churches. Ministers officiate at many weddings and memorial services always intent to meet the expectations…

It’s New Year’s Resolution time. Time to make a commitment to be fraud aware in 2024. For the next 52 weeks, like clockwork, scammers will be on the prowl looking to steal our money or sensitive…