Ford cancels contract with sheriff’s department for 2 SUVs

Fri, 11/04/2022 - 8:45am

    In February, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Department received authorization to buy two Ford SUV Interceptors from Quirk Ford. But in late October, the department received notification Ford Motor Co. couldn’t fulfill the order. Sheriff Todd Brackett told county commissioners Nov. 1, the department is searching for replacement vehicles. “This has left us scrambling. I don’t know whether it’s supply chain issues or what. All I know is they told us they couldn’t fill the order,” Brackett said. 

    In other action, commissioners voted 3-0 to serve as the sponsor in a regional water project. The Five Rivers Regional Water Commission consists of water districts in Boothbay, Wiscasset, Great Salt Bay, Bath and Brunswick-Topsham. County Administrator Kipfer told commissioners Wiscasset Water District representatives approached them about seeking a sponsor with an UEI (unique entity ID) to seek a Federal Emergency Management Agency grant. “We would enter into an agreement where Five Rivers would  prepare 95% of the grant, and we would use some of our hazard mitigation plan money,” she said. “This would assist in qualifying for other federal infrastructure grants.”  

    Kipfer reported the last of five payments to Ransom Environmental Consulting were made. The Portland firm received $31,345.74 as a “wrap-up payment” for projects at the AD Gray and Friendship Street schools in Waldoboro, Westport Island, and an East Boothbay property. “With the assessments completed work on the engineering of projects will now begin,” Kipfer said. 

    Commissioners accepted former administrative assistant Robin Plourde’s resignation effective Oct. 31. She accepted a job with Wiscasset. Commissioners authorized the purchase of a $6,258.47 computer server for the courthouse. Kipfer reported the server had “aged out” and the replacement would be bought from the state’s Dell Premier Account.

    The aftermath of an August power surge is still being felt by county officials. The surge damaged a generator’s transfer switch. Initially, Kipfer was told it would take 26 weeks for a replacement part. Instead, she contacted Mid-Maine Generator in Wiscasset and found a replacement costing $3,325. Kipfer expected the part’s delivery on Nov. 4.
    The 2023 unorganized territories budget first draft is ready. The proposed $29,925 budget is for snowplowing, road maintenance, bridge guard rails and approaches in Hibberts Gore. The county has a Nov. 4 budget submission deadline for legislative approval. 
    Commissioners entered into an executive session for a personnel matter. Kipfer reported commissioners took no action following the session. Commissioners meet next at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 15 in the courthouse.