letter to the editor

Gated schools and DACA

Mon, 04/09/2018 - 3:45pm

Dear Editor:

After listening to everyone talk about guns laws in this country, and all the school shootings, we have come up with an alternative. What is wrong with fencing in all the schools?

“Oh, it makes the children feel like they are in jail,” one might say. OK.

Why do people have to live in “gated” communities? Why do houses in Florida and California and other states have heavy duty bars on all their windows and doors? If you walk into one of those types of houses, yes, you most definitely feel like you are in jail. If there was ever a fire in those types of places, people would die because of the bars on their windows and doors. So putting a fence around a school should not be a big deal. It keeps out unwanted people and, if you had guards at the gates, the kids will feel safer. Ask any inner city kid whose school is fenced in. It makes them feel safer. And it might deter gunmen, too.

And, as far as DACA goes, whatever is on the citizenship test should be taught in the school system. And any child who is brought into this country from any other country, attends school all the way up, gets good grades all the way up through graduation, they have not gotten in trouble with the law, then upon graduation, that child should receive a letter saying, “Congratulations, you are now an American  citizen.” Now, that is something to work toward.

Just something to think about.

Debora Peters
