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Fri, 09/29/2023 - 07:31 pm
BAD FLUFFY!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF DOG NOOOOO!!!!!!!, , THESE ARE MOOSE ANTLERS, two salty dogs, moose antler sale One of these things is not like the other... One of these things is not the same...


I can't tell you how many people come into the shop and loudly complain how expensive the moose antlers are. It's classified.

Most urban/suburban people just assume, like all their other dog toys, moose antlers come off the assembly line in China, are thrown in a container ship and are vomited out in Long Beach, where they make their agonizing migration to pet stores all over this great and free nation. Even to pet shops in the frozen wastes of Maine.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Once a year, I throw a bunch of salt licks out in my back 40 acres and go out and shoot dozens and dozens of moose. Like my intrepid pioneer forefathers before me, I harvest the antlers and just leave the carcasses there to rot. Do you know how much time that takes? And let me tell you, those carcasses STINK and draw out all kinds of other wildlife I have to end up poisoning with liquid mercury.

That's why the moose antlers are so expensive, Chumley.

NOW 28.767671110963% OFF!!!!
Use Coupon Code: LOUDLY
<< Click HERE >>


I suggest you explore Newfoundland Canada and eat nothing but cod for a month. Or at least explore our shabby, last-minute, misspel’t, gluten-free, cod-free, monthly e-newsletter that brings shame to my family: https://mailchi.mp/twosaltydogs/the-salty-paws-october-2023

Subscribe and have a nice piece of e-cod sent to you on the first of every month (Metaphorical cod. Not literal cod) : https://us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0e5740287c6b4fe45247c8351&id=315369d469


BAD FLUFFY!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!! FOR THE LOVE OF DOG NOOOOO!!!!!!! THESE ARE MOOSE ANTLERS two salty dogs, moose antler sale One of these things is not like the other... One of these things is not the same...
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