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Sun, 04/30/2023 - 07:28 pm
I TRAINED THIS PUPPY TO BITE PEOPLE., puppy stuff on sale wookit fose wittle teefs!, cute puppies, two salty dogs pet outfitters, Wookit fose wittle teefs., Random photo.

This isn't going to be the most popular online sale we've ever had. Not a lot of people have puppies at any given time.

Sure, everyone loves puppies when they don't own them. And when you do happen to own a puppy, it's like living on an infinitely-sharp knife edge. One second they are the cutest wittle fing ever. The next, they've chewed through your catalytic converter and you're out $1,200 and facing multiple federal felonies.

So go ahead you brave puppy owners. Take advantage of our sale and tilt that infinitely-sharp knife edge to your benefit. Also, all you Boxheads out there who have friends with puppies might want to take advantage of this sale. Of course that assumes you are either a Boxhead with limited abilities or hate your friends.

It's not all puppy junk. I think the Weiss Walkie is in there. As well as a bunch of high-value treats and some Groupon stuff. And razor wire. Gotta have the razor wire.

28.91120% OFF!
Use Coupon Code: CATALYTIC
<< Click HERE >>

Were you enraged by my little yarn? Have your doctor up the dose of whatever psychotropic you are on and click here: https://mailchi.mp/twosaltydogs/the-salty-paws-may-2023-7226071

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Objections, threats, syntax / grammar corrections, and obvious dirty jokes can be sent here: fatmax@twosaltydogs.net


Were you enraged my little yarn? Have your doctor up the dose of whatever psychotropic you are on and click here: https://mailchi.mp/twosaltydogs/the-salty-paws-may-2023-7226071

Sign up for our Salty Paws Newsletter and watch the days get brighter and the cash roll in (not a guarantee): https://us8.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0e5740287c6b4fe45247c8351&id=315369d469

Objections, threats, syntax / grammar corrections, and obvious dirty jokes can be sent here: fatmax@twosaltydogs.net

I TRAINED THIS PUPPY TO BITE PEOPLE. puppy stuff on sale wookit fose wittle teefs! cute puppies, two salty dogs pet outfitters, Wookit fose wittle teefs. Random photo.
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