
American Legion

Tue, 05/09/2023 - 1:30pm

This past weekend was beautiful, signs of spring everywhere, and thoughts of getting the kayak out and the bike tuned up in the foremost of my mind. Guess I need to put the skis away first (already have my Sunday River/Sugarloaf season pass in my pocket, however). The lawn is growing fast with the beautiful yellow dandelions peppered through the grass. Needs to be cut but have it on good authority not to do that just yet as it is the only source of food at the moment for the bee population. According to one source: “Since the dandelion is one of the first flowers to bloom, bees rely on their pollen for protein and nectar for sugar.” Who knew? So, the lawn mower stays in the garage a few more weeks.

But spring also means clearing out the garage and basement of all the winter stuff to make room for the summer stuff. In that process, I am sure you will find things that you just don’t want to put away but would like to just get rid of. Junk to you might be a treasure to someone else. So, if you would like to donate that “stuff” to the Legion for our Aug. 5 Yard Sale, this year back on the Boothbay Common, let us know and you can bring it to the Legion Hall. To make room for all the treasurers we will be getting, Saturday, May 13 we are having our own post spring cleaning which includes cleaning out our two storage units. Soon thereafter we will be adding an additional storage “garage.” So, you don’t have to wait to donate your junk/treasures, you can bring it to the Hall anytime…. just let us know.

Speaking of the THIS Saturday Post Spring cleaning, we have plenty to do for as many as can afford to spend a couple of hours with us. Repairing the lawn, reseeding as necessary, mulching the front bush area, clearing out around the storage area (trips to the dump, oops…. transfer station), sorting through the many pictures and storing properly, cleaning certain areas of the kitchen, and the list goes on. So, come join us. Those who are around lunch time will be treated to sandwiches from Subway or pizza.

Another sign of spring is Legion baseball ….it is officially here! The 36ers are now recruiting players, 16 to 19 years of age. Three to four games a week is expected starting in June. With many of the kids having summer jobs, most of the games will be “under the lights.” All interested plays should call John Splaine, 751-9065 or email

No new news on the VA front. I’m still trying to get up to speed on the new log-in methods and navigating the ever-changing VA Maine website. The annual State Legion Convention is June 9-11 in Brewer. All Legion members interested in learning more about the Legion should attend.

The next Legion breakfast is May 21.