Pension Ridge Road paving completed

Fri, 09/29/2023 - 8:45am

    Men are no longer at work as the Pension Ridge Road paving project is over. On Sept. 27, Town Manager Dan Bryer reported public works and Crooker Construction of Topsham completed their work earlier in the day. “All that is left is a little bit of cleanup,” he told selectmen. “It looks really good, and their pace was fantastic.”

    In other action, selectmen praised the planning board for its preliminary work on a revised solar array ordinance. On Aug. 9, selectmen sought planning board assistance at revising the ordinance. The planning board submitted a first draft earlier this month for selectmen’s review. “I want to commend you on how quickly you acted after our prior discussion,” Selectman Steve Lewis said.

    Planning Board Chairman Lucien Laurie reported there were still a “few more things to review.” The main revision would allow residential solar panels in all districts. Commercial solar arrays would be limited to certain zones. “Roof mounted and ground systems less than 4,200 square feet are not subject to site plan review, but they must meet bulk standards of an underlying district,” Laurie said.

    The planning board expects a final draft in time for the May town meeting.

    Selectmen held a public hearing on suggested Maine Municipal Association general assistance ordinance revisions. For Lincoln County, a single person qualifies if they earn less than $1,004 per month. Income for a family of four must remain lower than $1,582 per month. Lewis commented the new guidelines were $9 more a month for an individual. “That isn’t much of an increase. I am glad people have the CRC (Community Resource Council) to cover the gap, because we (town) can’t,” he said.

    Selectmen approved the new guidelines unanimously. The new guidelines run from Oct. 1, 2023 to Sept. 30, 2024.

    Selectmen meet next at 6 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 11 in the conference room.