American Legion Post 36

Tue, 08/03/2021 - 7:00am

This Saturday is the annual American Legion Post Yard Sale! The Hall is now open to your donations so if you leave your donations by the side door near the new Pepsi vending machine, we will bring them inside every evening. If it is raining, put the items in the wooden shed out back. Or, just bring them Friday afternoon and put them right under the tent. The Yard Sale will only be as successful as the amount of items we have to "sell," so don't put off getting rid of those things you know you don't want or need and bring them to the Legion! We are always looking for volunteers as well. The fun starts on Friday as we start organizing all the items on the tables under the tent. Our Fran Nicoletta will be on site organizing everything by 9 a.m., so any help during the day will be appreciated. Then on Saturday, we are looking for volunteers to “negotiate” with our “customers"”on the treasures they can't wait to purchase. With the Yard Sale starting at 8, having volunteers at the Hall by 7 a.m. would be great. The Sons and the Auxiliary will be providing food (breakfast sandwiches, hot dogs, hamburgers). Now we need customers! So, spread the word and let's see if we can't break previous records for attendance and financial success! Don't forget to also get the word out about having your friends and neighbors having their own yard sale stuff and with their own tables (or using one of the Legion's)! The more community yard sale folks we have, the larger the turn out. Folks who want to sell their crafts, can do that as well. Spread the word!

Governor Mills has selected a council of 11 military veterans, referred to as Aid de Camps, to advise her on policies impacting Maine veterans. The 11 veterans' range in era and gender and with diversity of veteran experience since leaving the service. The governor has identified the following issues for the Aides to focus attention on: Quality health, dental, and mental health care (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Traumatic Brain Injuries, Sexual Trauma, and Substance Abuse Disorder); homelessness and food insecurity; connection to State and Federal benefits; ensuring access to services for Maine’s tribal veterans and veterans living in rural areas; LGBTQ veterans; access to alternative therapies and adaptive sports; and support for veterans court participants, suicide prevention, and aging in place. Several of the selected Aids are members of organizations that our Post is affiliated with and well known to us. Our Post will actively support the Aids to enable them to bring to the governor our concerns and issues important to us. Your input into this process can either be by email to me, snail mail to the Post or me, and/or shared at our monthly meetings.

The next Legion meeting is Aug. 9. Hot dogs/hamburgers (or something else) at 5:30 p.m., the meeting starts at 6.